Kylan Parayao

College Student, Amateur Social Debater & Commentator, Amateur Software Developer


Personal Information

I am a 21 year old Filipino who identifies as a man, raised in the United States by immigrant parents. I am very vocal about my opinions of life and my friends and family either love me or hate me for it.

What are my opinions of life?

First and foremost, I am a non-conformist. I do not follow trends easily because someone told me it was something that I should follow. I prefer to make my own well-informed decisions in life and I encourage others to do the same. A well informed opinion is one that takes two sides of any conversational topic or argument into consideration. In my opinion, the two sides are the positions of life that have an equal and opposite reaction towards one another. These two sides tend to be the good and the bad, the liberal and the conservative, the yin and the yang, etc.

That said, I take any and all arguments seriously. I will bring facts and statistics and official words in order to support my claims to the argument, and I will use these pieces of evidences to craft my own opinion as to what I believe to be the truth of the conversational topic or the source of the argument. Due to my commitment to arguing a well-informed opinion, my friends and family will most likely tell me that I need to calm down and enjoy the moment.

Why do I like debating?

I developed a passion for debating ever since I could form coherent sentences. Debating is a form of oral art not unlike singing. Like many forms of art, debating is a skill that requires time and patience and repeated exposure in order to be mastered. I do not pretend that I am a master debater. But I like debating because I find that arguing with other people is the best way to find out what values are the most important to them. It is the best way to find out what values represent them the most, the ones that you can identify them by. And unlike singing, it is a skill that is available to all humans regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or income. I should also mention that my parents are very argumentative people and dinner tends to be one big debate session.

What do I like to do besides debating?

Obviously I like programming. Or more specifically, software development. Otherwise I wouldn't be a Computer Science major.

Besides that, I like being with my friends. I care about my friends a lot. While many of them may be annoyed by the fact that I will argue non-stop about the most trivial of topics, they accept me for who I am and I appreciate that a lot. I also appreciate the fact that they will take the initiaitve to talk to me whenever they think I may be in the wrong. I'll write more about my friends at a later time.

I also have an interest in long running pop culture franchises. I belive that long-running pop culture pieces can tell us human beings something about the truths of our species like our morality and our social practices. I view long running pop-culture as an observation of our human society throughout time and space, preserving what we have in common with our ancestors as well as what we wish to never forget from our human past. I'll write more about my views of long running pop culture at a later time.

One more interest of mine that I would like to mention is that I like to write. Most of the time, I send my writings out to my friends. Sometimes, they're fictional pieces. But most of the time, they tend to be my social outlooks on life. And I personally think that this website would be a great place for me to start storing some of the conversations I have had with many of my friends and create essays out of them. They will be uploaded on this website at my convenience.

Social Life, Profile, and Essays

I am a 21 year old male, born in October 2000 to two immigrant parents. They are wonderful people who have proven to me that anyone can make a living in the United States if they put in their best effort in life and I consider them to be some of the most influential people in my life. I also have two younger sisters that I care for dearly.

I would consider myself to be a social person with a selective choice in friends. While I would like to think that I am open minded to all types of ideas, I know there are some things in the world that I am not that knowledgable about. I believe that as a human being, I have a responsibility to be as open minded, tolerant, and understanding of everyone and every type of social practice as much as possible. There are some obvious exceptions which I will not discuss here, but you can feel free to figure out what are those exceptions.

Political Views and Essays

I consider myself to be a Democrat. I agree with the Democrat party on most of their issues but I have my own interpretations for specific issues. I'll link a file later on my positions on each of the issues.

My two favorite presidents are Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. I'll summarize my admiration for both presidents briefly now and I'll link a paper explaining my admiration for both presidents in the future.

Ronald Reagan was the face of the United States during the 1980s. he ensured that a woman would end up on the Supreme Court for the first time. He was responsible for ending the Cold War with terms that primarily favored the United States. He promoted a strict interpretation of the law in courts through judicial activism, promoted a stronger business environment by deregulating government control over the US economy and made an attempt to eliminate drug usage in the United States. On a personal note, Ronald Reagan is a favorite president because he was positively promoting the United States as a global leader without promoting a directly aggressive foreign policy.

Barack Obama was the first non-white President of the United States. He ensured that a non-white American would end up on the Supreme Court for the first time. He did his best to pass many of his campaign plans against a Republican dominated House of Representatives. He became a pro-active player in environmental regulation on an international level through the Paris Agreement. He supported culturally progressive movements for nationalizing immigrants and for LGBT rights and aided many Americans during the 2008 Recession through Recovery Act. On a personal note, Barack Obama broke the sociocultural barrier for non-white Americans to become the next President of the United States.

There is more I would like to talk about these presidents but unforuntately it would take too much space to explain in a way that won't bore anybody not actively invested in politics.

Economic Stances and Essays

As a personal disclaimer, I must state that I am a Computer Science major, not an Economics or Politicial Science major. I am entitiled to my own beliefs.

In my personal opinion, I believe that the best economy is one that promotes a balance between socialism and capitalism. I believe that governments and companies should keep each other in check, similar to the three branches of the United States Federal Government. There is much more that I would like to explain on this, but I will summarize my economic beliefs.

For one, I believe that the government should have less control over how corporations produce their money unless if it directly impacts the environment. The government should set regulations as to how much each corporation contributes to our planet's overall health but for the most part, the government should keep out of business practice. The government will take control of resources in events of an economic or social crisis like a pandemic until the crisis is over.

Healthcare is something that should be left to the market because not all people live under the same economic freedoms as one another. Those of working class status or lower will be given greater government attention than those of middle class status or higher. The wealthier a person is, the greater the amount they have to pay for health care.

Cultural Observations and Essays

Although I am a Filipino, I do not identify with Filipino culture strongly. Nor do I identify with American culture strongly. I identify my own cultural practices, whatever they may be. I believe that the best type of culture any one person can have is one that they determine for themselves rather than something that another person tells them to create for himself or herself.

I do not consider myself particularly religious but I associate myself with the Catholic Church due to my family upbringing. I do believe that there is a God and that all monotheistic religions are equal and valid to one another. They all promote the same values of practicing human kindness and charity to one another so clearly there's something special if a diverse array of religions can practice the same mentality with different physical rituals.

I would like to learn many languages. As of now, I only speak English fluently and a little bit of Spanish. On my language list is Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Mandarin Chinese because I have friends who speak those languages.